Karate Kid

That’s what we’re watching right? This is definitely the new Karate Kid movie, starring American kid Nick Delpopolo. RIght? Not sure if good guy or bad guy though.

Best Volleyball Save Ever

This is how you compete. Never give up and do what you gotta do. That’s exactly what Fabiana Oliveira did with this amazing volleyball kick save.

Not So Majestic

Diving is a hard sport. I think if most of us tried, we’d look like this athlete from the London Olympics Games. Maybe.

Michelle Jenneke Bouncing Around

I mean, she’s obviously a professional Olympic athlete, but here, Australian Michelle Jenneke might just be showing off her athletic body. And that’s alright.

Example of Sportmanship by Dutch Speed Skater

Sjinkie Knegt of the Netherlands’s Speed Skating team shows how not to show sportsmanship. He was disqualified.